Letting Go and the Law of Flow
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Letting Go and the Law of Flow

I recently asked some of my email subscribers what patterns they most wanted to change. Many wrote to me about fear, procrastination, self worth issues, or the inability to manifest what they wanted. I have been meditating on the commonality in all of these responses, and how I can better serve my customers. I have been thinking…

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Change My Habits: From Hesitation to Action

We all have something – either personally or professionally – that we know we must do. There’s something that’s been lingering, maybe you’ve been procrastinating on getting it done. There’s something that would take you to the next level, if you would just take action on it. Is it starting a business? Writing that book?…

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The Three Types of Teachers, Part 2

The Teacher That Won’t Let You Rise Above Them Expanding upon yesterday’s post, the second type of teacher is the teacher that wants you to excel, but not past them. This teacher will help you in varying degrees, until you get close to knowledge of how they work or their secrets. I think most teachers…