"It's a Mexican Deal"

When living in Texas years ago, my good friend Wesley used to say, “It’s a Mexican deal,” about anything that didn’t make much sense or looked dangerous… or even a repair job done poorly. A car with a coat hanger rigged up to hold the door closed? “Mexican deal.” A car painted three different colors?…

Poked by Broken Pieces

Poked by Broken Pieces

Recently, I had an unpleasant experience with a freelancer on eLance. It started as a very positive experience, and some revelations came to the freelancer through her exposure to my material. She had some very real, major breakthroughs. Shortly thereafter, she began making some poor business decisions. I won’t go into all of the problems…


Life after Death

I heard an amazing, inspiring story of life after death recently. I did a podcast about it, that you can download and listen to. Download to listen. I recorded this podcast from Mount Shasta. Here are some pictures of that evening’s sunset. I hope you enjoy the recording, and I look forward to your feedback.

Being the change

Working this field, I come across people from all walks of life. Some of them are debilitated by traumas, fears, and despair. Others are living pretty wonderful lives by comparison, but they were looking to get ahead and get more from their experience. I am proud that in most cases I am able to stir…