
Why You’re Stuck

Mark is actually working a seminar this week, and he’s speaking at Kevin Hogan’s Boot Camp the week after that. But I couldn’t wait to tell you about this.

Mark did a teleseminar for free last week with Dr. John Burton about Dr. Burton’s new paradigm of healing called The Sacred Sequence. I finally got a chance to sit down and listen to the call, and I was really blown away.

You can get the call here.

Mark and I have both done sessions with Dr. Burton. He’s really quite talented and brilliant in how he works.

He’s incredibly intuitive, and if you have worked on your intuitive abilities whatsoever, it really is an incredible experience. From my own experience, it felt as if Dr. Burton was working with my own Higher Self and the imagery it wanted to use in communicating with me.

I still use the symbols and imagery uncovered during my sessions with him.

If you want to learn more about how Dr. Burton works, listen to that teleseminar. And if you do any healing work whatsoever, The Sacred Sequence is the perfect complement to any and all therapy.

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