Black Camera Recorder

Thriving in Chaos and Uncertainty with John Overdurf

John Overdurf Interview
Manage and Thrive on Chaos and Uncertainty!
Hello Everyone!

What an Amazing seminar we had yesterday on Zoom! We had incredible feedback from people on email and Facebook on posts and through Messenger.

Some folks were not able to get into the meeting… but here are resources and the recording which is the next best thing. 

I have spent the last 9 hours editing this recoding to make it a great experience for you. I included things right on the video so you don’t have to go look it up. There was also several very annoying and half nude folks that I edited out so you won’t be distracted.

I also made separate audio files and separated out The Induction Meditation as both a video and audio. I did the same for the Instructions to the video and audio so you can listen to it separately without having to find it on the main video each time you want to listen.

– Cytokine storms occur when immune system turns on the body
– Be careful increasing nitric oxide production
– Genetic mutation triggers immune response that makes flu deadly
– Low vitamin D3 is linked to risk of viral infections, including flu
– Vitamin C supplements dramatically reduce deaths from viruses
– Curcumin decreases the inflammation that causes cytokine storms

Thanks for attending the webinar. Feel free to share this with whomever you feel needs assistance during these changing times. 

Let us know how we can continue to be of service to you. 



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