Releasing the thought virus

The Mark J. Ryan Experience
The Mark J. Ryan Experience
Releasing the thought virus

Here is a treat for you. Have you ever wondered how NLP and belief shifting can shift a marriage? Well, listen in.

My wife Kathy and I had an argument this morning. Now, we’re not a normal couple, but we’re not necessarily that different from anyone else. We all have arguments, disagreements, and issues come up in relationship. In fact, relationship is one of the most powerful places where we get to see our broken pieces and fix them. Without another person showing us our patterns, we are often blind to them.

I am really proud of how Kathy made a huge shift in her belief patterns. She’s really honest about what happened here, and some of the major shifts she’s making right now. I explained a little of what was happening when she made these shifts and discovered a set of beliefs, a pattern of thinking and engaging with others, something she’s carried with her for a very long time.

She’s not alone. We all have these. We all have patterns we’ve developed over the years that keep us safe, but sometimes those patterns can cause us unhappiness and pain if they keep us from growing.

These patterns end up becoming “thought viruses:” patterns of belief that take on a life of their own and can make the programs of our life cause suffering.

If you’re ready to make some shifts in your life, listen in.

And when you get to a pattern that is not working for you, let me know. Both Kathy and I do some coaching, in very different ways. But the end goal is to help you break free from beliefs that keep you from experiencing freedom and joy in your life.

I talk a lot about a new product I’m releasing this week: Timeless Forgiveness and Love. If you want to get notified of its release, sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Facebook.
