Breakthrough Mastermind

The Mark J. Ryan Experience
The Mark J. Ryan Experience
Breakthrough Mastermind

I’ve been coaching people for over 20 years. I help people with all sorts of issues, including but not limited to:

  • Procrastination
  • Life purpose
  • Relationships
  • Self confidence
  • Sports performance, especially golf
  • Wealth/abundance
  • Anxiety
  • Sexual abuse
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Veterans
  • Goal-setting
  • Smoking
  • Weight
  • Drinking
  • Relaxation

My coaching program helps you see, feel, and experience a deeper part of yourself. Helping you discover who you really are. No matter who you think you are now, I can help you discover something deeper, something more profound, and something more conducive to your happiness.

It is within you. We all have it. And we just have to move around some of our blocks — rid ourselves of unhealthy beliefs — to get to it, expose it, and experience it.

When we do, everything changes.

How many other coaches out there are going to help you expand your sense of self in this way? I know that I can.

If you’d like to hear how my coaching works, listen to the following calls to get an idea of how I work…. you’ll also hear how fast I can help you breakthrough issues.

Lorinda is a special woman who gave so much of herself to help her brother dealing with addiction issues. She went above and beyond what was required to give so much to someone she loved. But she ended up needing help in order to find a way to take care of herself. Listen in, and find out how you can put some of these principles to work for you.

Listen to Lorinda’s Coaching Session

Lorinda said:

“I am amazed at how helpful [the coaching session] was for me. I truly feel transformed and have noticed the change in myself has been real. It has had a beneficial effect on me ever since. He is phenomenal, I meany really good at coaching. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity! My house looks great, but more importantly, it has had other ‘residual’ effects on my state of well-being. Very meaningful for me. I wish there was a way to thank Mark besides just saying it, doesn’t seem like enough 🙂 But, please tell him I said so.”

Chuck is a friend who also gives much of himself to others. Chuck wanted to find out how he could move past procrastination and get things done. Chuck’s coaching session is VERY different than Lorinda’s. Even though both calls deal with exactly the same issue (procrastination), the calls are unique.

People learn and process in a way unique to their own learning style, so I tailor each session to you. One person might be able to get something through words, another person may need a completely different experience.

Listen to Chuck’s Coaching Session

Chuck said:

“Thank you for my coaching session. Interestingly, for a few days after my session, I never attacked any of my work. I felt like I was still integrating what had worked on. During that time, I didn’t feel at all anxious about anything not getting done, which was my norm. Finally this week the flood gates opened and daily I have been working on what is in front of me. My coaching records are up to date now, I have almost all the copy complete for my website and have had a few unexpected tasks and challenges show up which I handled with ease. Such a totally different mindset now as I move forward with work. Ease is my companion now as I work and no longer do I experience that lump of fear in my stomach which formally would stop me dead. I also find I have balance, I do some work and then go swimming with my son, I perform another task and then work in the garden, I work a little more and then have some other fun. This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you for working with me and sticking through in the session until I experienced a breakthrough. This is such valuable work Mark, all I can say is WOW!!!”

Some coaching programs cost thousands. My coaching program gets to the heart of the matter quickly. As such, I can usually get people to a place of change within a single session. Some sessions are longer than others. Some sessions require tune ups.

E. coached with me recently. She said:

“That was truly some of the most helpful two hours of my life. The way you help and analyze and allowed me to see things in different ways and accept certain things was unbelievable!!!

“You are truly a gift and you are so amazing at what you do. I am so glad that you are out there and helping people like myself and others. I know people charge much more with the gifts that you have and your notoriety. Thank you for being accessible to us little people.

“My life is going to change and for the better, I feel it.”

Interested in seeing what can happen in your life? Have questions?

Contact me at mark [at] markjryan [dot] com for answers or to schedule your breakthrough coaching session. 

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